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Playing C&C Tiberian Sun on Windows 10

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Play CC Tiberian Sun on Windows 10

In this tutorial we are going to take deep look how to play C&C Tiberian Sun (Release year 1999) on Windows 10. EA released C&C Tiberian Sun as freeware in 2010, so you don't have to even pay to play it. Tore's has made really easy to use Tiberian Sun campaign installer that takes away lot of manual work. We are also using cncnet.org installers to add working multiplayer option to Tiberian Sun.

These installations includes:

  • Expansion pack Firestorm.
  • Single player campaign, cutscenes / movies, musics and skirmish mode.
  • Multiplayer on online and LAN.
  • TS-DDraw that can fix black screen issues, screen tearing, flickering graphics, alt+tab crashing, and it enables you to play on windowed mode.
  • TS-Config tool.
  • Works with 32&64bit Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10.

Youtube video

Installing C&C Tiberian Sun single player campaign on Windows 10

1. Download TSinstaller.exe from this link - http://tore29.com/tsins/TSinstaller.exe

2. After download is complete, start TSinstaller.exe

TSinstaller.exe icon on desktop

3. Hit next untill you see this. This is the point where you can choose what components to install.

TSinstaller component select window

4. After installation navigate to C&C Tiberian Sun installation directory and run tsconfig.exe as an administrator.

Tiberian Sun installation folder

5. Use tsconfig.exe tool to setup preferred resolution. You can also make C&C Tiberian Run to run in windowed mode if you want.

tsconfig.exe resolution settings

6. (Optional) Start tsconfigFull.exe as an administrator. You can change also other settings there if you need to. They are good by default.

Tiberian Sun Config full

7. Right click game.exe and select Properties. Go to Compatibility tab and check that all the compatibility settings are unchecked. You shouldn't need them.

Tiberian Sun executable compatibility settings

8. Done. Start the game and enjoy!

Installing C&C Tiberian Sun multiplayer patch on Windows 10

This will install working multiplayer game on already installed C&C Tiberian Sun game. Multiplayer is provided by CnCNet. This is NOT stand-alone C&C Tiberian Sun multiplayer. This also works with Origin installation.

1. Download TSpatch.exe from this link - https://downloads.cncnet.org/TSpatch.exe

2. Start TSpatch.exe

TSpatch.exe on desktop

3. Install Tiberian Sun Patch to same folder where your C&C Tiberian Sun is installed. It should find it automatically.

Tiberian Sun patch setup

4. Start Tiberian Sun from desktop shortcut that is called Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun and you will be greeted with this window. If you wanna play SP campaign you have to select Play Offline, and if you want to play multiplayer with your friends, then you have to select Play Online or LAN.

TSPatch launcher

5. Enjoy

Installing stand-alone C&C Tiberian Sun multiplayer and skirmish on Windows 10

If you are not playing single player campaign, you do not need movies etc. then you can install only C&C Tiberian Sun multiplayer and skirmish games. This is stand-alone Tiberian Sun online game without single player campaign.

1. Download and install Tiberian Sun Online installer from this link - https://downloads.cncnet.org/TiberianSun_Online_Installer.exe

2. Start TiberianSun_Online_Installer.exe .

Tiberian Sun online installer executable on desktop

3. Installation is pretty straight forward. Select where to install and hit next untill it is installed.

Tiberian Sun Online installer total progress

4. When installation is complete start the game from shortcut. You wanna first visit Settings and set your preferred resolution and settings.

Tiberian Sun online launcher

5. Done.


dead kraas - April 16, 2020
game won't even launch after installing this patch.i installed the game from Origin, found that it seemed to freeze or something when I tried to click Options in the main menu, then I installed the patch and now it won't launch at all.
Daniel Reinhardt - July 27, 2019
Doesnt work . freeze options freeze and crahs during loading the game -.-
Wiretuts - August 5, 2019
Did you install game from Origin or did you use TSInstaller as in this tutorial?