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How to get games work with Hamachi on Windows 7

Last update
Play old lan games over internet using Hamachi

20. Hit Finish.

LogMeIn website - Add network step 3

21. This is the ID that you give to your friends so they can join to network.

LogMeIn website - Edit network

22. Open Hamachi and click Join an existing network, fill your network id and pass to input fields and hit Join.

LogMeIn Hamachi - Join network

23. Green icon on the left side of your network name shows that it works.

LogMeIn Hamachi - Connected

24. Go again to Network and Sharing Center. There is now Hamachi connection in your active networks. Click network location (Public network in this case).

Windows 7 - Network and sharing center - Set network location

25. Select Home network.

Windows 7 - Network - Set network location

26. Last thing what i do is that, i add Hamachi's two executable's to my internet security's trusted application list.

Kaspersky Internet Security 2013 - Trusted applications


Ziemowit Łoś-Kamiński - November 2, 2016
step 6. I can't see Hamachi in "Adapters and Bindings" window. What to do now? (I did step 3 wrong, I lanched the program...)
Khoa Hipi - December 28, 2015
I can't see the hamachi in step 6
KosmicGR - December 25, 2015
I'm in Windows 10 and thus step 24 is IMPOSSIBLE.
EmeraldPlay - April 6, 2015
It works :D
help me plz. I did all the steps above mentioned but my friends cant see my server and neither can I see their server. i have posted a screen shot also below in another post
I did all the steps above mentioned still my friends cant see it.
help me out please
blackchow - November 5, 2014
hey, so i've followed your steps before and they worked out fine, but i recently had to reinstall hamachi and now the settings applied in step 10 won't save after i restart my computer (and it says i have to restart my computer for the settings to actually be applied). any idea why this might be and what i can do? i've tried it a hundred times.
Duran - October 2, 2014
bilbo - July 28, 2014
I am stuck on No.9 where is advanced, you have gone from no.8 to no.9 not telling us how?
Wuffles - June 28, 2014
I have no f**king idea how to port forward.
Wuffles - June 28, 2014
I have no f**king idea how to forward ports.
nameless1981 - June 4, 2014
fk u
26 is wat
open wat de cb
Corey Erb - March 21, 2014
When I go to advanced settings in network connections I do not have a Hamachi connection. just my LAN connection.
DJł Gomez - October 23, 2013
i need to add ports to hamachi or i need to open ports for LAN? because i can't open hamachi client tunneling engline. if you have time pls give some pic for this step too, thx :)
Fourex1 - October 16, 2013
what do i do if it says failed to connect to the engine
Filip Brorsson - October 2, 2013
Followed everything in here and it didn't work, still relayed tunnel... Had this problem for months now.
apeace - July 10, 2013
sir..why my hamachi IP is always begin with 25. i follow all of your steps. any idea? pls hlp me!
karppppppo - July 12, 2013
i dont think this is a problem
Ted Karlsson - May 3, 2013
Guys use the internet LAN program called Tuungle. it works for all games
Tsartomat Placeholder - June 28, 2013
it doesn't work even for itself. not mention the spam
Nikhil - May 3, 2013
Is Mw3 gonna work............!
Blackmed - April 17, 2013
hmmm, I can get into a game, my friend can see my game, though when he tries to connect, it says connection failed. Also, at step 24, my Hamachi network is an: Unidentified network, and I cannot change it to home network, since 'Public network' is black and not highlighted as blue.
Ted Karlsson - April 17, 2013
As I wrote down there. use Tuungle instead.. much easier and 100% work
Ted Karlsson - April 10, 2013
For all of you out there, the only thing who works for mythology is tuungle, i play with it myself and its the best internet lan program iv seen even its beta. So download and just make an account then there is an tutorial for eatch game inside the program. Easy,
Schaggs - April 10, 2013
I followed all those steps but the Hamachi network is not showing as active. Here's a screenshot
what about silverfall?
Konstan - March 9, 2013
This works for Heroes 3 right?
Wiretuts - March 11, 2013
Of course!
Jimmy In maica matii - January 2, 2015
cum ma in mortii matii ?
Cristian Cioroiu - April 2, 2015
ai reusit?
Ted Karlsson - March 3, 2013
Lars I have the same problem as you and I dont know the problem.:/
Wiretuts - March 3, 2013
Check what i replied to Lars.
Ted Karlsson - March 3, 2013
we both did the same thing, no luck the only thing that changed was that we found eatch other without searching for the IP adress. now I need to try change settings in the router then :p
Wiretuts - March 3, 2013
Check your router model and find it from here http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm .
Lars - March 1, 2013
I can see my friends game on Age of mythology, but i can't join it, "Attempting to connect" forever, and ive done everything above.
Wiretuts - March 3, 2013
Did your friend do things as the same way? One cause of this problem can be missing port-forwarding settings. If your router is set to NAT, then you have to access your router and do port-forwading settings.
I don't get portfowarding part but everything else I did and still can't ping to my friends.
Wiretuts - February 27, 2013
It's possible that your friends firewall blocks pings (ICMP Echo Requests). Step 26, is that step where i allow pings to come through from Hamachi.
voldmore - March 27, 2013
i nees a torchlight 2 server mine is torchlight2 pass : 12345