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Remove seen from Facebook chat

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This tutorials shows how to remove seen from Facebook chat. Everyone who uses Facebook know's that they have feature, that tells you when other side have seen your message. And it  works both ways: Other side sees when you have read their messages. I have good news for you, if you don't want that other side know's when you have or have not seen their messages. You can remove this "seen" notification with browser extensions. There is couple of things that you have to know before installing

Chat message seen

When Unseen extension is installed, then your Facebook works like this:
1. You send chat message to recipient -> You can't see when message is read
2. Recipient sends chat message to you -> Recipient can't see when you have read it
3. You have new message on Facebook inbox and you open it -> Message will stay as unread state!!

Installing Unseen to Chrome

1. Go to FB unseen installation page by clicking this.

FB Unseen overview

2. Click Add to Chrome

Add to Chrome -button

3. Confirm installation by clicking Add.

Add FB unseen?

4. Extension is now installed!

FB Unseen has been added to Chrome

If you ever have to, you can disable unseen extension by clicking unseen icon from Chrome.

Unseen extension is disabled

 Installing Unseen add-on to Firefox

1. Go to Unseen installation page by clicking this. From there click Add to Firefox.

Add Unseen to Firefox

2. Click Install Now.

Install Unseen addon to Firefox

3. Add-on is now installed!

Unseen has been installed succesfully.

If you ever have to, you can disable this add-on. For some reason Firefox doesn't have this neat disable/enable button near address bar, so you have to do this hard way.

1. Click Firefox from top left corner and from there click Add-ons.

Location of Firefox addons

2. Select Extensions from left panel.

Location of Firefox extensions

3. Click Disable where you can see Unseen.

Manage your Firefox addons

As i earlier stated, if you have enabled any of these extensions, then your inbox messages stays as unread state. It's the annoyance that comes with these. Facebook shows that you have 10 new messages in inbox, but when you open it, it's just same old messages.


Scottie Henson - February 7, 2020
Going to find out in a min, Katrine.
Katrine Lao - August 6, 2015
Is this available in Chrome mobile? I can't install the add ons
Peter Antoniou - September 6, 2013
I will agree with John. I just tried FB unseen and is very annoying with the injection of ads. John is right, mark as read button does not work on groups. John thanks for the link! Fseenblock seems to be the solution for me:)
John Howrdin - September 4, 2013
it does not work properly with group conversations but only for one-to-one conversations. Also the mark as read button does not appear in the messages inbox. Lately, that extension received many negative feedbacks regarding injection of ads. You can try FseenBlock chrome extension as an alternative
Wiretuts - September 11, 2013
You are right. Problem with Facebook is that, they keep changing things so fast. Developers should be awake all the time. Other problem is that all users isn't using same Facebook interface. I have been using new upcoming interface almost 6 months, and i have struggled with many problems.
John Howrdin - September 11, 2013